Gimnazija in srednja kemijska šola Ruše, 8. do 10. december 2019

Aktivnosti za skupno usposabljanje projektnih timov

Srečanje ravnateljev sodelujočih šol – priložnost za globlji vpogled vodstev šol v projektne aktivnosti, cilje, vsebine:


Delavnice za usposabljanje: načrtovanje rezultatov, izdelkov, pričakovanih učinkov:


Prijava projekta eTwinning:


Sklepna izjava o učinkih srečanja:

The participation in this activity benefited the involved participants since it gave them an opportunity to get to know each other better, which will enable them to work together efficiently. The participants that had not been actively involved in planning the activities gained a significantly deeper understanding of the aims and topics of the project. Concrete tasks were allocated to each participant, which made them more confident because clear expectations were formed.

Head teachers gained a deeper understanding of the project and expressed an interest in a more active involvement in the activities, which can contribute to its successful execution. Having seen the support and appreciation by head teachers   further motivated the other participants.


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